Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

It is the responsibility of each player/family to ensure that their volunteer commitment is completed by the end of the season:

  • Indoor season: End of March
  • Outdoor season: End of July

If you commit to helping, please remember that you are responsible for finding a replacement if you are unable to attend. Failure to fulfill your volunteer commitment will result in the cashing of your volunteer deposit cheque.

Keep an eye on our website under the Parent's Corner/Volunteer Slots section for available opportunities. Notifications will also be sent by email as new volunteer slots become available.

Click here to view available volunteer slots

For more details, you can read our full Volunteer Policy.

Failure to complete your volunteer commitment by the end of the season will result in non-refund of your volunteer fee.

Good Neighbor Volunteer Program

If an FSS family cannot sign up for any FSS volunteer opportunities by the end of the season, they can fulfill their volunteer requirement by contributing 10 hours to another non-profit organization.

After completing the 10 hours, families must submit a signed letter from the organization on its letterhead, confirming the completion of the volunteer hours. Upon submission, the volunteer deposit will be refunded.


  • The non-profit organization must be approved by the FSS president before the volunteer work begins.
  • Acceptable organizations include:
    • Food Banks
    • Rotary Club
    • Lions Club
    • Little Minions Foundation
    • Families First
    • Boys and Girls Club
    • Local animal shelters
    • Chamber of Commerce city-wide events
    • City-run events (e.g., July 1st celebrations, Legacy Park Fun Festival, Fall Festival)
    • Schools

Please note: Volunteering with other sports teams or arts-based non-profits is not eligible for this program.


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