Arsenal Mission Statement and Core Values

Arsenal Mission Statement and Core Values

Arsenal’s Mission Statement and Core Values


 At Fort Saskatchewan Soccer We strive to provide a welcoming environment for everyone who has a passion for soccer.

 We are dedicated to creating an inclusive atmosphere where players feel included as they develop their soccer skills.     


Our Core Values are simple:

Community/ Growth/ Respect

Community: We are building a strong soccer community through the dedication of our coaches, the Executive Committee, players, and parents. Our community engagement extends beyond the field, with events such as parades, the Junior Arsenal Jamboree, testimonial games, bottle drives.

Growth: We are committed to the growth of both our program and its participants. Through soccer education, players are given opportunities to expand their knowledge and apply their skills on the field. Our coaches receive training and coaching tools to enhance player development. As part of our commitment to growth, we are launching a club program for our skilled players, in addition to hosting seasonal camps. We will continue exploring new ways to meet the evolving needs of our members.

Respect: We aim to instill respect in all aspects of our program. Respect for oneself, for others, and for the game, including coaches, referees, and the organization, is paramount. By providing coach education and selecting volunteer coaches who are deeply invested in our mission, we ensure that respect remains a core element of our culture. Team bonding events also reinforce these values among players



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