A standard policy with all children's organizations is to ask for a RCMP Criminal Record Check from all volunteers who are in regular contact with children.
Fort Saskatchewan Soccer requires all our coaches, assistant coaches, and Team Managers to provide a RCMP Criminal Record Check including vulnerable sector clearance.
If you are coaching and not from Fort Saskatchewan, you must obtain the CRC from your local detachment. The Letters do not work outside of Fort Saskatchewan, but we will reimburse you for the CRC. Just bring in a receipt at the same time as you bring in your physical copy.
The Fort Saskatchewan RCMP conduct Criminal Record Checks (CRC's) at no cost to volunteers with Fort Saskatchewan Soccer.
Please drop by the Fort Sask. Minor Sports (FSMSA) office for a letter which identifies you as being a soccer volunteer.
Your security clearance will apply to all minor sports groups which are members of the Fort Saskatchewan Minor Sports Association. The CRCs we collect are provided to our Governing Associations (EMSA)_
When you receive your clearance from the RCMP. Please bring a physical copy to Suite 302 9821-108 St, Fort Saskatchewan.