We have adapted a new structure within the Fort Saskatchewan Soccer Committee. This idea was to combat a few problems we recognize. We added some new roles to lighten the load of the executive committee members. We realize that today, Parents do not have as much time as they used to volunteer. We are hoping by making the roles smaller we can keep all positions full. Also, if a role or a few roles are vacant then it is not left to just one executive committee member to fill those roles along with their own until as such time we can fill them.
Shannon Rodgers | ||
Oscar Coreas | VPsoccer@fortsasksoccer.ca | |
Vacant | ||
Amanda Shand | ||
Jaime Rix | ||
Micheal Richards | ||
Chris Gratton | ||
Nicole Tomiuk | ||
Vacant | ||
Matt Grosseth | Arsenaldirector@fortsasksoccer.ca | |
Chris Gratton | ||
vacant | juniorarsenaldirector@fortsasksoccer.ca | |
vacant | ||
Geoff James | ||
Jessy Smith | ||
Shawn Merwin |
These positions are designed to help the program directors and lighten the workload. Coordinators are non-Voting positions, but they entitled to coordinator incentives and their volunteer fees waived.
U5 Age level coordinator | Celeste Shore |
U7 Age Level Coordinator | Sherrie Kelly |
U9-U11 Age Level coordinator | Vacant |
U13-19 Age Level Coordinator | Vacant |
President: Shannon Rodgers
Vice President- Soccer: Oscar Coreas
Growing up in Winnipeg, I developed a passion for soccer early on, which has carried through my playing and coaching career. Currently serving in the military, I play for the Edmonton Base soccer team and have competed at both regional and national championships, earning titles at both levels. I also play in the Edmonton men’s league and enjoy staying involved in the game both on and off the field.
As the head coach of the U11G Tier 4 team, I am dedicated to developing young players and fostering a love for the game. As Vice President of Soccer for Fort Sask. Soccer, I strive to support the growth of the sport in our community, ensuring a positive experience for all players.
Registrar: Amanada Shand
Governance director/Assistant Arsenal Director: Chris Gratton
Finance Director: Jaime Rix
Sponsorship Director: Michael Richards
Fundraising Director: Nicole Tomiuk
Arsenal Community Director: Matt Grosseth
Technical Director- Goalie specialist: Jessy Smith
Equipment Director: Shawn Merwin