
 Team sponsors ($1500) to be a sponsor for two years! Your company name will be attached to all Fort Sask. soccer media posts, a shout out on our website and a link to your company's webpage on our website.


Program Sponsors: Donations of $500.00 or more to go towards our programs. Any program sponsors will 

be given shout out on our social media pages as well as website and a link to your company's webpage on our website.



To Sponsor a Team or to Donate to programs please email our Sponsorship Director at sponsor@fortsasksoccer.ca

We rely on all our Sponsors to Keep our costs low so all players can play Soccer!









Website Links:

Kal tire: https://www.kaltire.com/en/homepage/?

Lamont Boarding Kennels: https://lamontboardingkennels.ca/

Fort orthodontics: https://fortortho.com/orthodontics/

Busters Pizza: https://www.busterspizza.ca/

Winners Way Source for Sports: https://www.sourceforsports.ca/

McDonalds: https://www.mcdonalds.com/ca/en-ca.html

F.A. Smith Insurance: https://www.westlandinsurance.ca/








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