Junior Arsenal U7 Indoor Program

Junior ArsenalU7 Indoor Program

The U7 program is parent-involved, meaning that a parent or guardian must remain nearby so that the volunteer coach can contact them if needed for assistance with their child.

We follow the Alberta Soccer (ASA) and Canada Soccer guidelines to ensure we are running a structured and age-appropriate Grassroots Program.

Our focus is on developing fundamental movement skills, with an emphasis on having fun while learning basic physical literacy. For more information on the ASA Grassroots program, visit the Festival Play (PTM) page.

Player Engagement

At this age, players benefit most from learning soccer basics through active engagement and frequent ball touches. ASA’s grassroots approach avoids team formation at this level, prioritizing player involvement and development.

Lonestar Institute Partnership

The Lonestar Institute works closely with our U7 coaches and players every three weeks. They provide and demonstrate drills aligned with the four core areas of the grassroots program. These drills are then implemented by coaches in the weeks following each Lonestar session.

Program Structure

The program is divided into four rotating stations, each lasting 12-15 minutes to maximize ball touches for every player:

  • General Movement
  • Soccer Technique
  • Coordination
  • Small Sided Games

As the season progresses, typically closer to the end, we will have two stations and a full game on the other half of the field for the second part of the session.

Why U7 Soccer Matters

The primary goal for our U7 players is to have fun and gain confidence in handling the soccer ball. By fostering a positive and enjoyable environment, we aim to build a strong foundation for their soccer journey.









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