Club Tryouts


Arsenal Club Tryouts

Arsenal Club Tryouts will only be held if there are enough players at the appropriate age level to form a team.

Important Information:

  • Mandatory Attendance: All players must attend the tryouts in order to be considered for a club team.
  • Community Program Registration: If a player does not make the premier team and wishes to play on a Fort Saskatchewan Soccer community team, they must register for the community program during the official registration period.
  • Arrive Early: Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled tryout time to sign in.
  • Tryout Fee: There is a $20 fee (cash only) to participate in the tryout.
  • Tryout Process: Tryouts will be run and evaluated by Lonestar Institute. Based on their assessment, Lonestar will form teams and recommend the tier for each team to FSS (Fort Saskatchewan Soccer).

Please Note:

  • Additional Fees for Club Players: Club teams will have additional costs for practices, league fees, and other expenses. These will be collected once teams are finalized.
  • Commitment Expectations: Club teams require a higher level of commitment than community teams. Players on club teams will be expected to attend extra practices, games, academy sessions, and camps.



    Tryout Information for 2025 Outdoor season 

Tryouts for U8 to U11 Boys and Girls will be held on March 8th at the following times at the Dow Centennial Center ($20 Register through Ramp):

  • Boys U8 to U11 (2015-2019): 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM

  • Girls U8 to U11 (2015-2019): 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM

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