Referree Information

****Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty of the 2020 outdoor season, we will not be taking any new referees for the 2020 outdoor season***

Check with our Referee Coordinator at before taking the referee course to see if we are accepting any new referees for the season. 

Referee - General

A Referee Refresher Course will be held - Online this season.  

Referee Coordinator Email Address -

Outdoor Season 

  • Fort Saskatchewan Soccer generally assigns one referee to U9 games and three referees (one centre, and two linespersons) to all other games. 
  • There is mentorship given to new referees as best as can be accommodated by senior referees. Generally, this involves providing support and advice during the first few U9 games that a new referee officiates and during the first few games they act as a lineperson. 
  • The Community league season will run - TBD

Rainouts, Lightning, and Air Quality

The City of Fort Saskatchewan determines when soccer fields are open. During heavy or prolonged rain, play is not allowed on the fields. 

Please refer to the "Rain Out Numbers" tab for City of Fort Saskatchewan rainout information.

If conditions are too wet/dangerous and the city has indicated the fields are closed, you are not responsible for showing up at the game, and you will not be paid for it.

In some cases, heavy rain or lightning can occur after 4:00 p.m. In this case only the referee can cancel the game. If you deem the fields unsafe due to heavy rain or lightning, you have the responsibility to cancel the game and give proper guidance to all teams and spectators. 

Heavy Rain - Generally, this is not an issue and typically, you’ll have to “tough it out” so to speak. However, if there is standing water on certain portions of the field, the ball barely moves when on the ground, and things of that sort, it is acceptable to call the game

Lightning - It is imperative that you follow Alberta Soccer/Canada Soccer guidelines when it comes to lightning. For evening games, this will likely mean that the game will be cancelled outright due to team travel, school/work the next day, and so forth. The team officials from both teams will have to agree to cancel the game outright as opposed to waiting for the storm to pass. 

Lightning Guidelines

Air Quality - In recent years, air quality has become a concern. Games have been cancelled due to poor air quality resulting from forest fires. Much like with lightning, it is imperative you follow the guidelines below. 

Air Quality Guidelines

Cancelled games will usually have new referee assignments. 

Your Schedule

You will be scheduled according to the dates that you indicate you are available.

If You Cannot Make it to Your Assigned Game       

  • If you are unable to fulfill an assignment, you are responsible for either:
    •  finding a replacement for yourself, and then notifying the Referee Coordinator of the change (email at the top of this doc)
    • notifying the Referee Coordinator, who will then find a replacement on your behalf 
  • A list of all the other referees registered in Fort Sask. is available from the Referee Coordinator or the Fort Sask. Minor Sports Association office. 
  • As a general rule, replacement must be your age or older, and must have attained the same level of refereeing (or higher) as yourself. This isn’t always possible though.
  • Referees are not permitted to referee another family member’s game. 

What to Wear

Referees and Assistant Referees are expected to dress appropriately at all games, see below for equipment. Referee Jerseys must be worn over coats/sweaters (not under). Community League referees may wear black track pants in cold weather if desired. 

General equipment:

  • Two to three referee jerseys. The Referee Coordinator can usually provide a black one for you. 
  • Black soccer shorts and black soccer socks
  • Soccer cleats for outdoor, indoor soccer shoes for indoor
  • Watch, whistle, cards, paper and pencil/pen, coin (for coin toss) 
  • Albert Soccer/Canada Soccer Badge 

What if You Have a Problem?

If you have a serious problem with a coach, player or spectator, it is important that you make note of the situation as soon as you are able to. Put your concerns down in writing, with as much detail as possible, and email it to both the Referee Coordinator and the or bring it to the Minor Sports Association office at your earliest opportunity. Fort Saskatchewan Outdoor Soccer will then be better able to deal with the issue, and get it resolved quickly. We do not tolerate abusive behavior towards referees.

How You Get Paid 

Referees are paid once a month for indoor and bi-weekly for outdoor. Payment is based on the game sheets in the outdoor season and an electronic form in the indoor season. Cheques will be mailed to you. You are not paid for games that are subject to field closures by the City of Fort Saskatchewan (follow the rainout information to avoid showing up to a game you won’t be paid for!). However, games that are cancelled by you due to lightning, poor air quality, or heavy rain, are still compensated.

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