Canadian Sports Helpline which offers assistance to victims or witnesses of harassment, abuse or discrimination.
The Canadian Sport Helpline
Phone / Text Message: 1-888-83SPORT (1-888-837-7678)
Local Player Associations
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA)
Governing Associations
Fort Saskatchewan Minor Sports Associations
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association (EMSA)
Canadian Soccer Association
Coach Soccer Associations
Alberta Soccer Coaching Information
Coaches Association of Canada
Took a course and forgot your NCCP number - follow this link to look it up
When you follow the link and are on the website Select "lookup my CC#" under My Locker - Profile tab. No
password is required. You enter your email address and the letters which show up in the shaded box. Then
select the "Lookup" button and they will email you your NCCP number.
Please send us your NCCP number for our files.
Referee Soccer Associations
Alberta Soccer Association - Referee Center
Edmonton Minor Soccer Association - Referee's Page
Edmonton & District Soccer Referees Association